Dan grew up in Northwest DC and attended Janney Elementary. He remembers being greeted everyday outside the front of school by their principle, Anne Gay, who consistently (if not constantly) preached the importance of respect and of the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated.
While this was not a new or foreign idea to us, it continues to drive our interactions with each other and our communities. We continue to strive for fairness, equity, and thoughtfulness in the way we treat all our players, coaches, families, officials, and spectators.
To that end, we aim to make communication with ballplayers and families as open and easy as possible and will consistently lay out what ballplayers, coaches, and families can expect from one another:
Families can expect their coaches to:
- Keep everyone’s safety as a top priority
- Be on time and prepared to coach
- Be encouraging and enthusiastic
- Run fast-paced, high-energy practices and games
- Get to know their players and treat them as individuals
- Be available, responsive, communicative, and open to questions
Coaches can expect their players to:
- Do their best
- Be open to technical suggestions from coaches
- Treat others the way they want to be treated
Coaches and Players can expect their families to:
- Be encouraging, supportive, and positive
- Help get ballplayers get to practice on time and ready to play